Giving the gift of sight

The Well Foundation eye camp programme

The Well Foundation Eye and Health care programme has been implemented in Punjab Pakistan. There is a real need for support and help for the people who are poverty stricken. In a nation of 180 million cataract accounts for nearly 66 percent of all blindness.

The Well Foundation eye camp programme

Surprising to hear yes but sadly with a lack of human resources, coupled with a lack of training facilities for qualified ophthalmologists and soaring costs the prevention measures are difficult to achieve; the problem is compounded further by a lack of the necessary infrastructure combined with little modern technology at the district level. Poorly maintained equipment and the absence of any referral chain along with a lack of motivation, advocacy, and awareness make cataract a huge burden for the poor.

Our dedicated team in Pakistan work around the year identifying areas and planning the two assessment camps.

Empowering the poor by supporting their income-generating activities.

The Well Foundation livelihoods project

Give a Man a fish he will eat for a day, Teach him to fish he will eat for a lifetime

Over 1 billion people live on less than £1.25 a day. Nearly 250 million children have to work to help their families. More than 1.3 billion around the world live in extreme poverty

The Income Generating Programme helps poor families to set up income generating activities based on their skills and availability of local resources. In case of lack of skills and resources the programme also helps family members by providing training to enhance their skills. Through trained social mobilisers local resources are explored to create livelihood opportunities and generate income on a sustainable basis.

Creating a Chance and an Opportunity

Many people in developing countries have the skills and enthusiasm to generate an income for themselves, yet lack the opportunity to put it into practice, we at the Well Foundation believe in empowering people to help themselves. We strive to give people access to sustainable ways of supporting themselves and their communities. With support from our donors we’re making a real difference.

A few of the amazing projects that we have delivered:

Palestinian olive tree project

Mecca wheelchair project

Indian sewing machine projectWe have provided over 70 sewing machines to empower women to sew and sell clothes.

Gambian beehive project

Pakistani rickshaw project

Orphans marriage projectPaying for weddings of orphans.

Fishing projectBuying fishing equipment, so people can go fish and provide for their families

Ugandan malaria programProviding malaria nets

Sri Lankan chicken farmProfits from selling the eggs go back into the community

Basins & soap projectProviding children with soap and basins so they don’t catch diseases, and teaching them about basic health issues.

Some of our completed livelihoods project

These are just some of the livelihoods projects that we've complete thanks to our donors. A special thanks goes to our "Monthly blessings" donors without whom we wouldn't have been able to complete some of these projects.

Some words from our donors

All donations received with thanks!

We can't do what we do without your help.

I heard about The Well Foundation and the charitable work they carry out around the world about 5 years ago. I was Particularly interested in their clean water projects and decided to contribute to one of them. I was given an accurate account of the works and provided photographs on completion. Me and my family were very impressed with the high standard of work and were kept informed of progress throughout. It is amazing that this charity and its team work thanklessly and selflessly all year around. I will always support them, their work makes a great impact and every penny goes towards the cause. A supporter for life!

Ammar Ashraf

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The Well Foundation is an incredible charity which has allowed myself and my family to donate to excellent causes on a monthly basis. We donate knowing full well where our money is going & that the full amount is reaching the desired places. Within the past year we have managed to build wells, provide Braille Qurans and also help in building part of a mosque. This is all with the help of The Well Foundation and it's fantastic volunteers.

Hussan Ashraf

Randomly generated image showing completed Well Foundation project

The Well Foundation has achieved so much in such little time. My son has really benefited from their activities.

Nav Baqsh

Randomly generated image showing completed Well Foundation project

Project: Well in the name of loved one

The Well Foundation made the whole process so easy and I was so impressed at how quickly all the donations actually materialised. Within a few weeks of setting up the page I could see exactly where the donations had gone.
Thank you

Safina Ahmed

Randomly generated image showing completed Well Foundation project